Nearing Book

Nearing book consists of 18 pages with pop ups, cut outs, and fold outs. Nearing was printed in an edition of 100 books all signed and numbered by Jen Clay.

Nearing is an intimate experience for the book reader similar to the experience of seeing one of my videos or performances. This scenario is based off of actual unexplained events called Mothman sightings in Ripley West Virginia during 1966-1967, and North Carolina’s Brown Mountain Lights on going phenomenon. The viewer is meant to have a personal encounter with the unknown, usually manifesting as a seemingly friendly creature. Bright colors and bulbous shapes create an atmosphere of child-like dreaminess which is interrupted by implications of something more sinister. Nearing depicts an unknown-being’s growth while it expresses it’s obsession with the reader. The unknown creature’s excitement escalates as the meteor comes nearer and either fills its body or the atmosphere of the womb-like interior of the meteor.

2017, Existent Books, IS Projects, Fort Lauderdale, FL


Welcome To You & Me

